

Curated by Anonymous

An exhibition celebrating Dieter Ram’s10 Principles for Good Design”. Conceived by Anonymous, this exhibition pays homage to the enduring influence of Dieter Rams’ work and his ideas on what makes good design. A vision conceived in 1995 that remains relevant and increasingly crucial in how design is applied and how it is perceived today. 10 graphic designers were each tasked to create a poster based on one of the 10 principles. What if the 10 principles were visualized? Is it possible to use graphic design to not only translate but elevate the written word?

10 Principles for Good Design No.7: “Design is long-lasting”

Before Helvetica, there was Akzidenz Grotesk, one of the earliest modern san serif type for press. Today it’s been digitised and widely used from print to online, a typeface that has genuinely stood the test of time. To quote Anton Stankowski (designer of the Deutsche Bank mark, a timeless piece of design itself): “I only accept functional typefaces. The one you reading right now is the one I preferred for 60 years now. It is Akzidenz Grotesk.”

As for Dieter Rams aficionados, the typeface can been seen emblazoned on transistor radios, vinyl players and tape machines just to name a few. And what better way to show the typeface in it’s entirety? And another enduring graphic invention?—The Letraset.


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